Descubra Roma por conta própria.
Roma On Your Own será a voz que guiará você durante essa agradável viagem.

Rome On Your Own APP Store

Termos e condições de uso

Welcome to City On Your Own!
City On Your Own is a trademark registered to OYO srl, Via R.R. Pereira 78, 00136, Rome, Italy ("OYO" or “Company”).

This is the complete version of the terms of service of the web pages and the applications (from now on jointly referred to as “Products”) managed and owned by the company, whose name comes from the trademark, replacing City with the name of said city (e.g. Rome On Your Own).

This contract establishes the rules Users have to abide by in order to use the services of OYO.

At the time of registration the user must read and accept the terms and conditions (“Conditions”). OYO reserves the right to amend and/or integrate at any time after publication on the website

The User is requested to read this carefully and save or print a copy of these conditions for future reference.

Accepting the Terms of Service and/or using the Products of OYO, the User concludes a contract regulated by Italian Law and approves of everything written below and in the Privacy Policy set by OYO, a User not approving, even only partially, to such contents is invited not to use the Products of OYO.

Underage users are requested not to enter personal information and use the Products of OYO esclusively under the supervision of their parents. By accepting the present Terms of Service, the User declares to be 18 years or older.

OYO provides the Users with touristic and cultural information. Among its services, OYO sells the Users multimedia contents related to the principal attractions.

OYO reserves the right to temporarily interrupt its Services for purposes of maintenance or upgrades of the system.

Purchase, payment and invoicing
In order to use the multimedia contents the User must pay the amount due via credit card or via the relevant market platform (e.g. iTunes). No information on the credit card or the bank account of the User will be dealt with by OYO.

It is understood that the order sent by the User is merely a contract application and the Contract is to be considered concluded only when the User receives the authorization to download the multimedia contents.

The purchase of the multimedia contents takes place through explicit consent without reservations of the Conditions and the payment of the due amount indicated on during the purchase procedure.

If multimedia contents are offered for free by OYO, the Company reserves the right to withdraw at any moment, even without prior notice, namely to request a payment for the continuation of the service.

If the User deletes purchased contents, OYO is not bound to renew access to such contents for free.

The duration of the present Contract is one year from the date of the payment of the service.

At the end of the one-year time period, the contract will be tacitly renewed for another year unless the Client takes action to exercise their right to withdraw by communicating it to at least 15 days before the end of the Contract.

The trademark “City On Your Own” as well as all other trademarks, may they be figurative or not, and all other marks, commercials names, service marks, word marks, commercial designations, illustrations, images, logos that appear are the exclusive property of OYO or its licensees and are protected by the copyright legislation, the existing laws on trademarks and international treaties. Such rights are reserved. The replication, distribution, reproduction and amendment, even partially, of the Products of OYO is explicitly forbidden.

Limitations on liability
OYO shall not be held responsible for possible accident and/or injuries incurred to the User while using the Services. OYO particularly recommends maximum attention in the use of the multimedia contents, especially while using headsets which reduce the perception of sound from external sources in vehicular areas or difficult circumstances.

Furthermore, both parties mutually recognize that there will be neither liability obligation nor indemnity obligation for non-fulfilments due to a force majeure or to events beyond the control of OYO.

Privacy Policy
OYO processes the personal data of the User according to its Privacy Policy and in any case always complies to the legislative decree 196/2003.

Termination of the contract
OYO reserves the right to transfer, sell, take for novation or subcontract part or the entirety of the rights or obligations that come from the present Conditions, as long as the rights of the User provided for here remain unaffected.

The User may not transfer or give their own rights or obligations under these Conditions without written consent from OYO.

Amendments to the present Conditions
OYO reserves the right to amend the present Conditions at any time, giving the Users a notice by publicating on the website of OYO. The User will have a time period of 20 days starting from the publication to accept the new Conditions or terminate the contract.

Independence of the clauses
Each of the clauses in the present Terms is to be interpreted separately and independently from thje others. In case a clause were to be found invalid, null, or ineffective, it shall be considered independent from the others and will not affect the validity nor the effectiveness of the other clauses in these Terms.

Written information
The User accepts that communications with OYO will be mostly electronic. The User accepts the electronic means of communication and acknowledges that all the contracts, notices, information, and other communications that OYO will send in an electronic format will satisfy the written form requirement. This clause does not affect the irrevocable rights of the User.

All communications addressed to OYO must be sent to

The communications will be considered received or duly notified within seven days if published on the OYO website, within 24 hours if sent via e-mail, or within ten days from the date of dispatch if sent via mail. To prove the communication has taken place, proving that the letter had the correct address or that it was correctly printed and sent will be sufficient in case it was sent by mail; or that the communication was duly published on the website or that that the e-mail has been sent to the indicated e-mail.

Applicable law and competent court
The present Terms and all commercial transactions regarding the Products of OYO are subject to Italian law and the parties will transfer any dispute to the jurisdiction of Italian courts, and the case should be dealt with exclusively by the judiciary of Rome.

All disputes coming from the present contract will be devoted to mediation efforts which must be carried out before the ADR CENTER Mediation Organism located in Rome, at the following address: Via Marcantonio Colonna 54.

Latest Update: 31 July 2015